Fiera di Sant'Orso - Foire de Saint Ours 2017 (Past event)
Crafts, traditional food and wine in Aosta from January 30th to 31st, 2017
Foire de Saint Ours
11100 Aosta - Valle d'Aosta - Italia

A very old fair dating back more than 1000 years ago dedicated to Valle d'Aosta craft workers where thousands of objects in wood, sopastone, iron, copper, ceramic, glass, fabrics and lace are exposed.
A unique opportunity to purchase the symbols of local traditions (wooden cockerels, sabots, friendship's cups), taste wine and food specialities into a special area open on Jan. 28th and 29th, 2016 too as well as to attend folk groups performances and live workshops.
Tags: handcraft, tasting experiences, music, rural, traditional
Foire de Saint Ours
11100 Aosta - Valle d'Aosta - Italia
Contact us
Tel.: +39 0165 1828838